Leadership Coaching

Customized Coaching Services are available for a variety of areas:
- Overall leadership in-depth development strategy
- Leadership/management/business team cohesiveness
- Fast tracking in a career
- Sounding board/getting focused
- Targeted development
- Performance issues, challenges, roadblocks
- Succession planning strategy
- Specific content – Ex. Presentation skills
- Internal Coach development
- Career transition
“…provides a “learning ground” in which managers and executives can gain important self-awareness and build skills that are increasingly necessary in managing today’s highly diverse and geographically dispersed workforces.”
– Senior Director,
Human Resources
Coaching can provide:
- A solid personal foundation using interpersonal and competency-based tools valuable for leadership and business success (See Leadership Coaching Report)
- Increased communication and better understanding of self as leader/manager and as a member of a business team
- Greater valuing and understanding of others
- Improved management/ staff/ customer relations
- Enhanced leadership/management capacity (skills, knowledge, attitude), focus and accountability aligned with Organization’s mandate, values, philosophy and corporate culture
- Targeted, unbiased, action oriented personal feedback to make well informed choices
- An unbiased, confidential resource: advisory and /or sounding board capacity
Benefit From:
- Time frame and schedule determined by participant
- Identification of personal strengths and keys to communicating,managing and motivating others
- Understanding the attitudes and values that filter how one sees the world and ultimately affects how one’s decisions are made and why conflicts sometimes arise
- Recognition and appreciation of others’ attitudes and ability to “see the world through another person’s eyes”
- Identification of personal strengths and keys to managingand motivating others
- Development of insights into creating environments that are important for self motivation and for motivation of others
- Increased understanding of one’s behavioural style,recognizing and appreciating others’ styles and the emotions that go with them and successfully adapting and blending one’s style for improved communication and reduced conflict
- Increased understanding of self and others in solving problems, influencing people, coping with pace and change and handling rules and procedures set by others
- Clarification of role that could be played more effectively, internally or externally
- Understanding how one manages time and gain ideas on improving productivity
- Strengthened informal and formal coaching/mentoring skills
- Improved ability to delegate, give effective feedbackand monitor performance
- Creating a personal strategic action plan leading to achievement of mandated business outcomes and enhanced performance
“…our previous “Cec-ification” work was invaluable!!”
– Director of Communications and Development
“Management/Executive coaching is concerned not just with improving a manager’s everyday performance on the job, but also with facilitating that individual’s personal transformation, ongoing growth, and continuous learning. The ability to embrace all three of these things is a key requirement of our current and future leaders.”
– Director, Human Resources
“Thanks again for being such a wonderful Leadership Coach!”
– Senior Strategy and Planning Consultant
“…Know that you have made an imprint on each and everyone of us that you have mentored…thanks for being all you can be.”
– Senior Administrator
“…very enthusiastic about all that you have worked on and it is great to see her excited about a project. As always, you are working wonders.
– Business Manager
“Thanks again for the ‘coaching’ – you are terrific!”
– Business Entrepreneur
Coaching Process:
The coaching process usually lasts from one to 6 months or more depending on participant and success factors desired. The process may include:
- Meeting with client to assess compatibility and/or needs and success factors
- Benchmarking of position to assess where gaps may exist between talent and job for accurate targeting of development actions (see sample), (see Tri-Gap Sample)
- Utilization of comprehensive TriMetrix Personal Talent and Coaching Reports (see sample)
- Generation of professional strategic action plan that merges with performance mandate – arising from discussions in coaching sessions
- Participation in follow up coaching sessions focused on specific issues/concerns/areas of interest identified by participant and finalization and implementation support of measurable action plans and upcoming 90 day performance activities – clarity…focus…accountability
- Measurement of resulting progress and /or areas still needing improvement through utilization of a 360 assessment (see sample), direct observation, informal feedback from others
“Over the past two years I have witnessed the significant transformation that Cec Hanec has been able to generate in the organization I work for in her role as our leadership coach. The organization is large and complex, and in many ways was hidebound in a counterproductive culture. Cec Hanec applied her truly creative solutions for the ‘people side’ of business to lead the Executives and Management to more effective and fruitful working relationships. Today, thanks to Cec Hanec, our organization has knowledge, awareness and real tools to pull in the same direction – towards success!”
– Client, Manitoba Government